Letters from the Library

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Way back in October I wrote a post titled 'Beginning my journey to become a school librarian' in which I wrote about the excitement of being at the very start of my graduate trainee year as and Assistant Librarian in a school library. 

We are now in the second week of March and I can't believe how much time has flown by since I wrote that post. I am now entering the sixth month of my placement and I am glad to report that I am still enjoying it as much as I was then. 

Working in a school library is hectic but extremely rewarding. My life is now set to the ringing of the school bell and it is sometimes a race to see how much I can get done in a particular period, as the next period will be taken up by lessons or students coming to swap their books. Days and weeks fly by and I am grateful that I work with a Librarian that takes part in so many different events and activities because I always have something to look forward too.