The Tour Inbetween: Book revew of Nancy Tucker's The Time in Between

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This is an important book. Such an important book.

I cannot stress to you enough how important this book is.

Now I know there are other memoirs out there about mental health and eating disorders (read Nancy's guest post on Georgia's blog The Bibliomanic which features her own recommendations) but I myself have not read any.

Non-fiction and, I must admit, non-fiction surrounding issues such as mental health haven't been on my radar as far as reading material goes. I stick to fiction and mainly children's fiction/YA as I work in a school library so as you can imagine I don't come across books that take a hard hitting stance on issues such as eating disorders.

However I made a pledge at the beginning of this year to read more non-fiction (I am failing miserably) so when I saw Stevie asking if anyone would like her to send them a copy of Nancy's book The Time in Between I said yes.

Boy am I glad I did.